Negotiation Expert Natalie Reynolds Weighs In On Brexit

by | Jul 13, 2016 | Blog

Following the historic Brexit vote on June 23rd, Natalie Reynolds – negotiation expert and advantageSPRING CEO – has been highly sought after in the media for her insights on the upcoming trade negotiations, and how the UK can best navigate their withdrawal from the European Union.


Forbes – ‘What You Can Learn About Negotiation From The Brexit Fail’

Natalie sat down with Forbes’ Tanya Tarr to discuss the challenges the United Kingdom will face in negotiating an exit from the EU, the fresh perspective needed when it comes to negotiation processes, and the incredible opportunity this next phase of negotiation presents for leaders.

BBC Woman’s Hour – ‘Credible Negotiation For Britain’s Exit’

Dame Jenni Murray invited Natalie to join her on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour to explore the key negotiation principles and opportunities that will help the UK complete an exit from the EU as smoothly and as successfully as possible.

CNBC – Theresa May and challenges facing female leadership

Natalie joined Sophie Walker of the Women’s Equality Party on CNBC to discuss the stereotypes and challenges facing British Prime Minister Theresa May as negotiations get underway. Natalie highlights the differences in perception when it comes to being a tough negotiator, as well as the importance of negotiation skill development throughout levels of government.

Expert Thought Piece – ‘Why being ‘bloody difficult’ should be only part of your negotiation strategy’

On the heels of newly appointed British Prime Minister Theresa May’s comment that “Ken Clarke says I am a bloody difficult woman. The next man to find that out will be Jean-Claude Juncker”, Natalie shares the importance of balancing fearless and forthright negotiation with finesse and polished strategies in order to move the UK through negotiation difficulties and roadblocks while navigating Brexit.