New appointment to the North Americas team

by | Sep 6, 2015 | Blog

We are delighted and excited to welcome Devon Smiley to the advantageSPRING North Americas team. Devon brings a wealth of experience to advantageSPRING having spent her career specialising in procurement strategy and multi-million dollar contract negotiations for one of North America’s largest corporations. Devon is passionate about effective negotiation and she provides coaching to entrepenuers and small businesses as well as writing extensively on the subject on her site

Devon will be working on a number of procurement projects as well as delivering training and coaching to corporate clients across the Americas. Stay tuned for articles and insight from Devon over the coming weeks on our forthcoming new site and on social media. You can get in touch with Devon at [email protected] or by contacting advantageSPRING head office at [email protected].

Welcome to the team Devon!